The Umar RA Legal Clinic is an initiative that was established by the Islamic Helpline and the Jamiatul Ulama South Gauteng Branch.
The objective of the clinic is to provide free legal advice to the indigent and vulnerable members of the community of Lenasia and surrounds.
The Clinic has a dedicated team of legal experts who are available to offer their legal advice to members of the communities. The core focus of the clinic is family law.
The clinic serves as first port of call to those indigent members of the community who are faced with a legal matter. Our team at the clinic are available to advise members of the community regarding their legal rights and any risks associated with regard to the legal dispute at hand. If the need arises we refer members of the community to the correct legal channels, in the form of attorneys, The Legal Aid Board and The Wits Law Clinic.
In circumstances where a legal dispute can be amicably settled through an alternative dispute resolution mechanism, the team at the clinic seek to facilitate such a procedure.