Islamic Helpline

The Islamic Helpline is a counselling organisation which offers various types of counselling to the community of Lenasia and surrounding areas. This organisation was established in 1999 with just 5 counsellors. Today over 20 years later we have over 30 office staff; which includes a social worker, psychologist, counsellors, occupational therapists and receptionists . Other volunteers which are at the Helpline include 20+ frail care workers and pro-bono lawyers.

Over the years our counsellors have been trained in various fields to try and keep up with the needs of the community. 

We offer counselling for:

Support Groups:

Frail Care:

We have 20 +Frail care workers who go out to visit the elderly members in the community. They converse with the elderly and try to assist them with any emotional issues that they may be having. They also go to  Khatijatul Kubra Care Centre and Ahmed Mia Cassim care centre  which are projects of the Islamic Helpline in conjunction with Jamiatul Ulama South Gauteng, which are successfully tending to the needs of the elderly.

Senior Citizens Project:

The Islamic Helpline provides a service for the elderly on a monthly basis. Each month we extend an open invite to the ladies of the community who are above 60, we provide a small meal for them and we provide a speaker to cover various topics. We also provide other entertainment for them, a sports day once a year, a fun craft and once a year we take the ladies on an excursion.

A similar project is also run for the Senior males in our community as well.

Various courses and fund raising initiatives are also hosted throughout the year. Take a look at our upcoming page to see more.