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Islamic Helpline will be hosting a community event to raise awareness. There will be an array of special guest speakers addressing a variety of aspects of mental health, as well as individual stalls by service providers for community members to have one-on-one chats. This promises to be an interactive, informative and beneficial event for the community. Open to all.

Venue:  Nur-ul-Islam Hall, Lenasia

Cost: Free of charge (RSVP will be appreciated)

Date: Sat 31 August 2024

Get to know more about our amazing speakers by clicking on their names:

Moulana Dr Ebrahim Sader: A seasoned professional in mental health, he will address crucial topics like anxiety, depression, suicide, stigma, dementia, and addiction from both medical and spiritual perspectives.

Dr Yumna Minty: With a focus on women's mental health, Dr. Minty will share her expertise on issues specific to women, fostering understanding and support within the community.

Fatima Seedat:  As a representative of the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), Fatima plays a crucial role in providing support and resources for those affected by mental health challenges. She will discuss the impact of secondary trauma and how to support others while maintaining personal well-being.

Moulana Sulaimaan Ravat: Offering an Islamic perspective on mental health, Ml Ravat will explore the role of faith and spirituality in achieving mental well-being, backed by his extensive knowledge and experience. 

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